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How to get a contract role’s hash

At the current version (5.10.1), the SDK doesn’t export the method getRoleHash . If it ever does, the code below is all you need:

import { getRoleHash } from "thirdweb/<something>"; const adminHash = getRoleHash("admin"); // "0x00000000..."

Otherwise, you can build a DIY version like this:

import { isHex, padHex } from "thirdweb"; import { keccakId } from "thirdweb/utils"; const roleMap = { admin: "", transfer: "TRANSFER_ROLE", minter: "MINTER_ROLE", pauser: "PAUSER_ROLE", lister: "LISTER_ROLE", asset: "ASSET_ROLE", unwrap: "UNWRAP_ROLE", factory: "FACTORY_ROLE", signer: "SIGNER_ROLE", metadata: "METADATA_ROLE", revoke: "REVOKE_ROLE", migration: "MIGRATION_ROLE", } as const; type ThirdwebContractRole = keyof typeof roleMap; type Hex = `0x${string}`; // the SDK @5.10.1 also doesn't export `type Hex` type RoleInput = ThirdwebContractRole | Hex | (string & {}); export function getRoleHash(role: RoleInput) { if (isHex(role)) { return role; } // if it's a known thirdweb role, we convert it to the role hash if (isThirdwebContractRole(role)) { if (role === "admin") { return padHex("0x", { size: 32 }); } return keccakId(roleMap[role]); } // otherwise we assume it's some other role and we pass it to keccakId to compute the role hash return keccakId(role); return roleHash; } // ---- Usage ---- const adminRoleHash = getRoleHash("admin"); // 0x00000... const minterRoleHash = getRoleHash("minter");